Monday, August 07, 2006

Happy Mondays

One of the things I like about my job here at MCV is that I get paid to trawl the web looking for gay, lesbian, bi and trans news items to write about. This means, of course, checking out a broad range of blogs, pop culture sites, and other murky corners of the web in the name of research. Here are just some of the gems I've discovered today (and best of all they're all work friendly):

There, wasn't that educational? I'll go back to work now...


Jess said...

Things I liked about Monday...

1) Turning up to a RRR meeting, standing beside you and Clem as you both talked about what you'd been up to and being able to pipe up "Oh, and you wanked three times. Although we're not sure whether the third one counted..."

Blogs rule. Heh.

And you're a sweetheart for finding a lighter for me x

richardwatts said...

My pleasure sweetheart. So is it going to be a total triva grudgematch smackdown tomorrow night, or will there just be angry glares from opposite sides of the room?

mskp said...

i reckon it's time for A BIT OF THE OLD ULTRAVIOLENCE.

richardwatts said...

Oh dear, I don't know if I could possibly support the old ultraviolence, being more a fan of the old in-out in-out, my sweet droogie.